SPOILER: A Summer Holiday Spirit Questline/隐藏任务:夏季节日之灵大招募!

This is a secret questline that can be unlocked after acquiring the ultimate Holiday Spirit Blessing. Father Winter will ask you to help recruit a holiday spirit for Summer.

  • There are two hints to this: You'll notice that your Sim will always fail at pleading to Reaper.
  • Another hint is that, on any holiday in Summer, you'll notice a new ability: Play Dead. This is the ability that will guide you to the next step of this quest.

  • After Playing Dead, Reaper will show up. It seems that Father Winter want Grim as the Summer Spirit. Of course Grim despise this clown act and rejects

  • Continue to build up festivity on a Summer Holiday, and make the atmosphere top-tier for a new interaction to show up -- Holiday for Reaper.

  • And Grim is so delighted that he agrees! You Sim can now have Grim hang out any holiday!

  • Upon completing the quest, your Sim now has a new ability: A Deal with Reaper. Since you helped Grim by offering a holiday, Grim can bring back someone you cares about!


  • 有两个提示:第一个提示是,喜庆的模拟市民给他人求情永远无法成功。
  • 第二个提示是:在夏季的任何节日期间,你会看到一个新的能力——装死。这就是进入下一步的需求。
  • 在装死后,死神会出现。看起来冬日老人想要找的人是死神?当然,死神鄙视这个请求,拒绝了。
  • 继续炒热节日氛围,直到出现新的互动——死神假日。
  • 在你提出要给死神放假后,死神终于同意了!你的模拟市民可以在节日期间跟死神一起度过了!
  • 在完成任务后,你的模拟市民还解锁了一个能力:跟死神的交易。由于你给死神带来了一天假日,死神可以帮你复活一个重要的人。


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